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"The Pressure Is On" & the New Chamber is named officially

Mon, 01 Jul 2024

Valued Contributors
Valued Contributors
HBOT IOM, recently completed its capital project to remodel its facility and install a brand new state of the art hyperbaric chamber. To celebrate HBOT IOM hosted a small sponsored evening to show off the world class facility with all of its major contributors and to thank them for their generous support, which came in the form of services, labour, materials, donations, legacies and grants.
During the evening, the chamber was officially named “The Elizabeth Chamber” in memory of the late wife of Mr Ivan Soulsbury whose generous support enabled the charity to complete the project. 
While the major capital project has been completed, the Charity is now looking to raise funds to enable it to become registered with the Department of Health & Social Care and the British Hyperbaric Association then commence its service in 2025.  The Charity has announced the launch of its further campaign, “The Pressure is On '' having already raised £150,000 its aim is to raise a further £600,000 to enable the Charity in order to be in a position to provide Isle of Man patients with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. 
HBOT IOM is currently recruiting its professional staff and a volunteer team to provide this essential medicine service. Professional staff include doctors, nurses, medics and others with advanced life-saving skills, chamber operators and people who have extensive diving experience. Anyone interested in assisting the Charity would be very welcome. 
Over the years, many thousands of Island residents have benefitted from having  hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the new charity HBOT IOM is working tirelessly to recommence the service in 2025 but can only do this with the assistance of the Island Community. 
The Trustees would also like to thank all those financial organisations and individuals who continue to support the charity’s vision.
For more information about our Charity HBOT IOM (Reg No 1274) please see our website and if you think you might be able to assist in any way please contact Debbie on 626394 or email or call in to the Hyperbaric Medicine Facility, Scholl Building, Peel Road, Douglas. IM2 2LP
Additional Information:
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy isn't just for divers (HBOT) it is a treatment which significantly increases the amount of oxygen available to the body’s tissues, thereby creating an environment that is more conducive to healing certain conditions. It also affects other systems in our body that may provide additional benefits in certain specific conditions. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is prescribed by a physician and performed under medical supervision.
In the UK only the two following indications are currently funded by the NHS with all other indications having to be self funded;
Decompression Illness (“the bends”) – injuries caused by a rapid decrease in the pressure that surrounds you, of either air or water. It occurs most commonly in scuba or deep-sea divers, although it also can occur during high-altitude or unpressurized air travel
Arterial Gas Embolism –  An air embolism, or gas embolism, occurs when one or more gas bubbles enter a vein or artery. This can block the passage of blood, and it can be life threatening. Treatment depends on the cause. Depending on where the blockage occurs, symptoms and severity vary.
Throughout the world there are other indications where hyperbaric oxygen therapy is accepted as beneficial  -
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Gas Gangrene, Compartment Syndrome, Crush Injury, Other Traumatic Ischaemia, Arterial Insufficiencies, Severe Anaemia, Intracranial Abscess, Necrotising Soft Tissue Infection, Osteomyelitis (Refractory), Delayed Radiation Injury (Soft Tissue and Bony Necrosis), Compromised Grafts and Flaps, Acute Thermal Burn Injury, Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss.