Website Sponsor Website Sponsor 3 Legs Ltd

Annual Sponsorship & Charity Champions


(Providing the necessary and essential support for the hyperbaric service)


This charity is offering you as a charity champion, your organisation or group as a fund raiser, or business as a sponsor a fantastic way to support HBOT IOM. Whilst achieving a route to a market and generating great brand awareness amongst your customers and our patients and supporters.

Benefits to your business

Get involved in your community

  • Link to an Isle of Man based charity with a local focus
  • Build deeper networks with your staff and audience by providing direct support to the community in which your company operates.

Enhance your brand

  • Build rapport with your target audience
  • Reach a potential new audience
  • Build your reputation as a socially responsible company
  • Generate positive PR opportunities at a local level
  • Be associated with a charity providing a life changing and sometimes life saving service.

Our sponsorship packages start at £500.00. Sponsorship will also see your branding on certain products that we use within the service such as our patient booklet, website, and our fundraising banners (external and internal), staff uniform, and patient storage bags. Our Annual Sponsors Board displayed in the facility will also recognise your support.

We will be holding future events such as an annual open day in the month of February (O2 day), with a coffee morning, an evening talk and a tour around the hyperbaric facility where your company or group would be welcomed.

If you’re interested in sponsoring an item or hosting an event or fundraising for an essential part of this unique service to help someone receive hyperbaric medicine, please contact Debbie Barron on 626394.



  • 1. MEDICAL GRADE GASES £20,000.00

    These are the medical grade specialist gases which are required for both our patient treatments and diving casualites. Ten high pressure cyclinders & of 100% Oxygen per week and one 50/50 Heliox cylinder for a each year.

  • 2. DIVER MEDICAL TECHNICIAN KIT (Specialist Medical Kit) £10,000.00

    This essential piece of equipment used both inside and outside the high pressure environment for the treatment of our patients.

  • 3. DISPOSABLE PRODUCTS (Supplied to every patient) £5,000.00

    The highest standards are now applicable and each patient .Whilst undergoing treatment here is supplied with a pair of antistatic shoes (ESD) and in a month 4 different disposable masks and tubes stored in a personal cotton bag.

  • 4. BREATHING APPARATUS SET (Chamber Operators) £6,000.00

    We will be required to provide a BA set with 4 face masks for the chamber operator staff to use in the event of a fire evacuation.

  • 5. POSTAGE (Stamps) £300.00

    Some donors supply a SAE. We always where possible send an email as a receipt if applicable. But on many occasions a letter is needed as a formal receipt along with communicating with our patients.

  • 6. First Aid Kit, and two Eye wash Stations - £2,000

    Basic first aid requirements for dealing with any type of first aid injury within the facility or work place.

  • 7. Telephone System - £4,000

    Multiuser telephone system has the ability to deal with multiple users at the same time. Essential when dealing with a diving casualty.

  • 8.Sundries - £500.00

    Essential sundries for running the facility all gratefully accepted and much needed to keep the team and patients going. (Tea, Coffee, Toilet Rolls, and disposable products )

  • 9. Overnight Stay & Transportation Home – £1,000

    Diving casualties plucked from the Irish Sea have not money or clothing or means of transport home. This charity provides the following for them after and emergency treastment as they cannot fly home, it may be necessary for the need to book overnight accommodation for one or two nights for them, before the sailing home and transportation home in the UK

  • 10. Medical Sundries - £2,000

    Disposable Gloves, Aprons, Facemasks, Thermometer heads, bedding etc

  • 11. Diving casualty clothing – £600

    6 x Cotton tracksuits. Imagine yourself diving anywhere in the Irish sea in a wet suit and then you have a medical emergency where your plucked out of the sea by helicopter  and brought to our chamber for life saving treatment. You cannot stay in wet clothes and certainly and off you cannot go home in a wet suit and a pair of flippers

  • 12. Event Promotional Items for (Indoor and Outdoor) - Starting at £600.00 - £10,000.00

    At charity events and speeches we need to raise our profile and we see this as an opportunity to promote corporate charity partnerships.

    Currently we require exterior banners, a small awning, patient booklet, leaflets, radio  & Media marketing campaign, pomotional items,magnetic window protection, and vehicle marketing. The internal promotion will be extremely helpful and educational. Each patient will be issued with a Information booklet to read prior to starting their treatment. It is essential that we raise hyperbaric medicine awarness and that it is not just for divers but many medical conditions.

    Our Island working together, creating new partnerships, and a unique place to work, live and for the future.

  • 13. Specialist Fire Extinguishers - £3,000

    Inside the chamber compartments we required by regulations to have two highly specialised fire extinguishers which have to be serviced, maintained and replaced as per the manufactures guidelines.


  • 14. Training and Travel of essential Staff - £10,000.00

    In order to offer a service, our staff have to be qualified in different aspects of hyperbaric medicine and the areas within the service provision along with workplace qualifications. These have to be annually, and in some cased Bi-annually renewed. Such courses are held in the United Kingdom and in Europe.

  • 15. Hyperbaric Specialist Maintenance Contract - £30,000

    We have a state-of-the-art hyperbaric medicine chamber and vital equipment. It is both essential and regulatory that this major investment is maintained both remotely and annually by the original manufacturers and associated  local services. This equipment correctly maintained, and service will prolong the lifespan of such a valuable asset

  • 16. Employment of a full time Chamber Operator - £31,000.00

    Specialist trained and qualified in the operations of a hyperbaric chamber, with additional DMT  or technical qualifications

  • 17. Corplus 3T Hyperbaric Cardiac Monitor & AED £54,000.00

    Our AED (Automated External Defibrillator) machine is 11 years old and in urgent need of replacing.

    The IOM Amulance service are using a similar model of equipment. For a smooth transition to hand over a patient from the IOM Ambulance service into our care and visa versa we will urgently need to replace ours.

    However, this is a very specialised piece of equipment as it may need to be used within the hyperbaric chamber and therefore able to conform to EU-Pressure Directive Devices PED 2014/4/68. This is not only a AED it is in addition a 12 lead cardiac monitor and a potrtable display.

    An essential piece of equipment when needed.

  • 18. Multi-Air Tester Breathing Air Sampling Tester & Starter Kit £8,595.40

    This is a very vital piece of equipment which is needed to test the breathing air quality inside the chamber in accordance with medical and surgical air parameters of HTM02-01 and the European Pharmacopoeia Directive and in addition to EN12021 Once we have purchased the testing equipment the necessary testing must be conducted done every three months. The annual cost implications per annum for sponsorship would be £2,000.00.


  • 19. Emergency Generator - £25,000.00

    EU Hyperbaric regulations determine that as well as having a UPS battery system which runs for 20 minutes in the case of a power failure. An emergency generator capable for running for at least 5 hours must be able to be activated. This piece of equipment is vital to provide High Pressure air and run the control station for the treatment for the treatment of our patients in the event of a power failure.

  • 20. Portable Awning 3Mx4.5M For Events- £1,500

    This will allow us to have an outdoor presence to host and promote our charitable work, sell merchandise and assist us recruitment of our team of professional staff and volunteer force at both corporate, onsite, local and fundraising events.

    It will in addition raise our charities profile at such events but also recocognise the sponsor with in associated partnership with this vital service. This awning will be both digitally screen printed both inside and outside giving maximum coverage. The image shown is purely representational of what it will look like.

    With the islands inclement weather it will both protect us from the rain and give us shade if required in sunny weather. 

    For more details please get in touch as we have the quotation on file and ideally would like this in place to host our "Open Day". 


  • 21. Lockout Valve Protection system £1,500

    When maintenace is being conducted on our essential Air and Medical Gas Pipeline certain valves require lockout devices and padlocks installing prior to the work being conducted. This ensures that it is safe for our employees and contractors and also meets both HSE & HTM Regulations with regards safe systems of work.